Port KC Port Improvement District

If you are an active, registered voter at your current address, you should have received a ballot in the mail for a proposed Port Improvement District (PID). This includes residents of the CORE and Union Berkley apartment complexes. Port KC is proposing to create a...

Looking Ahead to 2015 City Council Elections

Parson & Associates–with Burns & McDonnell, Black & Veatch and TranSystems–sponsored RUNforKC: Council Candidate Preparation hosted by Mayor Pro Tem Cindy Circo and GOforKC, on Saturday, April 26 at Burns & McDonnell.  Parson &...

The rail has arrived . . .

The first truckload of steel rail for KC Streetcar tracks arrived in Downtown Kansas City this morning at 7:30 a.m.  Trucks will continue to arrive with rail for the next 10 days.  Drive by 19th & Walnut and sneak a peek! Meghan Jansen of Parson & Associates...

Hitting the Streets of Marlborough

Recently, the Parson team joined up with the Marlborough Community Coalition, members of the City’s Marlborough Community Center (big kuddos to Brian Dennis), the Urban Ranger Corps, the Center Alternative School summer interns, and the Marlborough Catalyst...